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Pennsylvania in the Civil War
Jake Wynn
Aug 16, 2020
Pennsylvania in the Election of 1860 - Facebook Live
Join us for a Facebook Live program about the Election of 1860!
Jake Wynn
Mar 21, 2020
"Pennsylvania in the Crisis" - A Harrisburg journalist's response to Fort Sumter
George Bergner edited the "Telegraph" newspaper in the Pennsylvania state capital throughout the Civil War.
Codie Eash
Mar 4, 2020
How the Pennsylvania press reacted to Lincoln’s second inauguration - March 1865
Pennsylvania newspaper editors registered strong opinions about Lincoln's legendary second inaugural address on March 4, 1865.
Codie Eash
Mar 1, 2020
President-elect Lincoln’s inaugural journey through Pennsylvania
President-elect Abraham Lincoln spoke repeatedly to audiences in Pennsylvania as he crossed the state to attend his inauguration in 1861.
Jake Wynn
Feb 27, 2020
A Pennsylvania newspaper's scornful reaction to a Southern prediction of civil war - 1860
The Pennsylvania Daily Telegraph published an article from a Southern magazine threatening secession in the summer of 1860.
Codie Eash
Feb 11, 2020
“Let us have war” - The Gettysburg veterans who argued against the “Cornerstone Speech”
Veterans at Gettysburg used Alexander Stephens's infamous speech about slavery to argue that the Confederate cause was unjust and wrong.
Codie Eash
Oct 24, 2019
The Pennsylvania veterans who opposed Gettysburg’s first Confederate monument
In the decades after the Civil War, Pennsylvania veterans sought to keep Confederate monuments and memorials off the Gettysburg battlefield.
Jake Wynn
Oct 16, 2019
National honors to Rebel dead? - A blistering letter about Confederate graves at Antietam
In 1868, the representative of Westmoreland County in Congress spoke out in favor of excluding Confederate war dead from national cemeteries
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Jake Wynn
Sep 28, 2019
A Pennsylvania Congressman launched the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson in 1868
John Covode represented Westmoreland County in the House of Representatives. He launched the first presidential impeachment in US history.
Codie Eash
Sep 20, 2019
George Washington Williams and the National African American Civil War Memorial that wasn't built
More than 36,000 African American soldiers died during the Civil War, yet no national monument memorialized their sacrifice until 1998.
Jake Wynn
Sep 6, 2019
Governor Andrew Curtin's response to Confederate invasion threat - September 1862
In September 1862, Confederate forces crossed the Potomac River and became a dangerous threat to Andrew Curtin's Pennsylvania.
Guest Contributor
Sep 1, 2019
"No traitor blood lurks in my veins" - George Washington Woodward's Civil War
George Washington Woodward ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Pennsylvania during the darkest year of the Civil War.
Jake Wynn
Aug 29, 2019
James A. Beaver - The Civil War namesake of Penn State's football stadium
Pennsylvania's largest sports venue is named for a Civil War veteran who was wounded four times and lost a leg during his service.
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Guest Contributor
Aug 17, 2019
"Principles, Not Men" - Dr. Andrew Bedford's "Inflexible Democracy"
Guest contributor EJ Murphy looks at the politics surrounding black voting rights in antebellum Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Kendrick Gibbs
Jul 6, 2019
"Penalty Upon Patriotism" - The 151st Pennsylvania's Public Call for Soldier Voting Rights
"Is it possible that we love our country less, and are we less worthy to be instructed by it than before we took up arms to defend it?"
Jake Wynn
Jul 3, 2019
"Coffroth the Copperhead" - Congressman Alexander Coffroth and Fake News in 1863
Alexander Coffroth was featured in the 2012 film "Lincoln." This is a look at a real scandal that involved the Congressman in 1863.
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