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Pennsylvania in the Civil War

The 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry’s 1862 “Christmas foraging expedition”
On the outskirts of Nashville, Tennessee, the troopers of the 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry experienced a memorable Christmas holiday.
Codie Eash
Dec 25, 2020

"Ladies of York" - An Ohio soldier's letter thanking nurses at York General Hospital
"This is one of the mostly lovely places that I have seen since I bid farewell to my native home, in Ohio."
Kendrick Gibbs
Jun 15, 2020

"A painful duty" - A letter to the father of a Pennsylvania soldier killed by typhoid fever
Private Rolandus Lytle succumbed to typhoid fever in Virginia on August 14, 1862. An officer wrote to Lytle's father with the sad news.
Jake Wynn
Feb 3, 2020

Medal returned to its proper owner 40 years after it was lost at the Battle of Antietam
William W. Warren lost a medal he wore around his neck after being wounded and captured at the Battle of Antietam.
Jake Wynn
Jan 31, 2020
1 comment

Letter from a Pennsylvania drummer boy – April 1862
Jeremiah Helms served as a drummer boy in the 50th Pennsylvania. He was mortally wounded at Antietam in September 1862.
Jake Wynn
Jan 7, 2020
1 comment

“I hope we shall whip them yet” – The 132nd Pennsylvania at Fredericksburg
Guest contributor EJ Murphy details the experiences of the 132nd Pennsylvania at the Battle of Fredericksburg.
Guest Contributor
Dec 21, 2019

"Pennsylvania at the Battle of Fredericksburg" - Recap of our December 2019 live-stream
Check out the videos that PennCivilWar recorded at Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park in December 2019.
Jake Wynn
Dec 18, 2019

Pennsylvanians who earned Medals of Honor at the Battle of Fredericksburg
As a result of the Battle of Fredericksburg, seven Pennsylvanians earned the prestigious Medal of Honor. Codie Eash explores their stories.
Codie Eash
Dec 17, 2019

"First fight" - George Snowden sees the elephant at the Battle of Fredericksburg
George Snowden experienced Civil War combat for the first time during the Battle of Fredericksburg in December 1862.
Jake Wynn
Dec 17, 2019

“Like snow coming down on warm ground” – What a future Pennsylvania commander saw at Fredericksburg
Darius Couch reflected on the horrors he witnessed during the Battle of Fredericksburg in the decades after the Civil War.
Codie Eash
Dec 13, 2019
1 comment

"Supposed to be my death wound" - A Pennsylvania soldier's story of survival at Marye's Heights
In his memoir, Frederick Hitchcock vividly describes how he escaped death at the Battle of Fredericksburg.
Jake Wynn
Dec 12, 2019

“In the very maelstrom of the battle” – 132nd Pennsylvania Infantry at Antietam
The 132nd Pennsylvania received its baptism by fire during the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862.
Guest Contributor
Sep 17, 2019
1 comment

Hurried to eternity - The bodies of two York County soldiers returned home after Antietam
In the wake of the Battle of Antietam, families of the those killed-in-action sought to bring their loved ones home for burial.
Kendrick Gibbs
Sep 17, 2019

“God only knows what he'll do” - Andrew Curtin, A.K. McClure, and Thaddeus Stevens before Antietam
Codie Eash looks at politics in Pennsylvania during the chaos of early September 1862.
Codie Eash
Sep 14, 2019

Governor Andrew Curtin's response to Confederate invasion threat - September 1862
In September 1862, Confederate forces crossed the Potomac River and became a dangerous threat to Andrew Curtin's Pennsylvania.
Jake Wynn
Sep 6, 2019

Letter from the Battle of Cedar Mountain - 46th Pennsylvania
A newspaper correspondent in the 46th Pennsylvania described his fight on August 9, 1862 at the Battle of Cedar Mountain.
Kendrick Gibbs
Aug 9, 2019
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